
Showing posts from September, 2012

Korean Language

I was planning on posting about my Korean class, but figured that beforehand it would be good to put up info on the Korean language.  Not that I can teach you much, but I find it to be quite interesting. No, Korea is not part of China Most Americans know nothing about Korean language, let alone the country.  Before leaving the States a few friends, or rather acquaintances, asked me whether I would be teaching in North or South Korea.  And, although it may be hard to believe, my social circle is well informed compared to the average American.  Other teachers I know in Korea got asked questions such as, “Oh, what part of China is Korea in?” “what language do they speak?” and, the best one I’ve heard, “why do you want to teach in Africa?”  I really hope that these responses aren’t common and just the outliers that make for humorous conversation. Regarding knowledge of the language I wasn’t much better than many of my friends back home.  I didn’t e...