Finding a Job in Australia: KK Marketing, LMS Thinking, and the Fruit Shack
So when I last wrote an entry I was just about to take a course in Sydney to be certified as a manual laborer. A lot has changed since then. I am writing from a farm near the town of Leeton, a small community in southern New South Wales, a long way from Sydney, or any city for that matter. The White Card certification class wasn't bad - it really wasn't all that helpful either - but having the card doesn't really get me much closer to landing a job. A lot of it comes down to networking, scouring the Internet job sites, patience, and luck. I was surprised at the level of competition for backpacker jobs in Sydney. I switched hostels and several people staying there had been looking for weeks. One of my dorm mates managed to find a restaurant job for a whopping one day a week. Restaurant work certainly didn't seem promising. While searching though job listings on the Internet I found two 'sales and marketing' companies who were hiring. A...