High School Debate Judging
The last weekend of November I agreed to be a debate judge at an American style public forum debate. Debating is the rage here in China, particularly among the students who want to study at American universities. Most students who participate go to international divisions of their high schools, and take a portion of their high school curriculum in English. The kids know that extra-curriculars can affect their admissions chances, and it’s all about getting into top colleges. Group of high school debaters; our school has a debate club with about 20 participants. It’s kinda funny how extra-curricular activities work here. At the school where I teach the students basically have to do an extra activity that they will list on their applications. The activity groups meet once a week during school hours, and debate is one of the choices students can pursue. The school also organizes a field trip / academic project to a neighboring province once a year. It’s mandatory, but students ...