Scoring Koh Lanta

As I mentioned in the last post, our next stop after Kradan was Koh Lanta.  On Koh Phi Phi I saw advertisements toting Lanta as a great destination to get away from the tourist crowds.  Several shops also had posters written by travelers who praised the beaches.

Both of those points were a stretch.  I guess after Koh Kradan many islands would seem 'busy' with tourists, but Lanta certainly had its fair share.  There were fewer travelers than on Phi Phi, and since the island was big they weren't nearly as concentrated in one area.  The beach was decent, but nothing amazing.  I may start to sound like a beach snob, but that can happen after you travel for weeks around the southern Thailand.

This was one of the first images I found when I typed Koh Lanta on 
Google.  As I've said before, the real thing is usually not as
 nice as the picture.  Either that or we just didn't find the right beach!
Old Town, Koh Lanta

In spite of inflated praise, Koh Lanta was worth a visit.  The beach wasn't bad and prices were much cheaper than either Phuket or Phi Phi.  On our second day Bobby and I rented scooters and drove around the island - sense a theme here?  Scooters and motorbikes are hands down a great way to explore on you own.  I definitely wouldn't recommend it on Phuket; it is just way too crowded, and accident waiting to happen.  But in less busy areas (the road doesn't need to be empty, just not a circus) renting scooters can be safe - when driven responsibly.  I've seen more than enough bandaged tourists to know it doesn't always work out that way.

I would not want to drive in Phuket...
...let alone Bangkok!

Chaz was still feeling under the weather but got medication at the local pharmacy (there wasn't one on Koh Kradan).  By our third day he was feeling up to riding and joined us.  Just as Chaz was coming around our group had another victim.  My lunch didn't sit well with me, but I assumed it would pass.  We stopped our bikes at a mangrove forest to look around and I proceeded to puke three times.  My stomach felt better, but once we arrived at the hotel I threw up again.

Bobby was a great help and went over to the pharmacy for re-hydration fluid and pills that supposedly kept you from throwing up.  I got to the point where I there wasn't anything left to heave up, so I took the pill.  Two minutes later I rushed out onto the balcony (Bobby was in the bathroom) and it came right back up!  Once my stomach was cleared out my system stabilized, and by morning I was feeling much better.

That morning we booked tickets back to Phuket.  It was already Thursday the 28th and Chaz had to fly back on Saturday, Bobby on Sunday.  Instead of trying to squeeze in one more stop we thought it better to take it easy.

Another reason for going back to Phuket early was that my friend Mike from back home was due to arrive on Friday the 1st.  Mike and I lived together at university and have kept in touch since graduation.  He finished school two quarters after me and isn't yet working at a formal job (if he can help it he may never!).  He racked up airline miles through credit cards and last minute booked a flight from Cleveland to Phuket.  His plan was to stay in Southeast Asia for 6 weeks then fly to Europe in mid April.

Mike (center) and I back during our uni days

Oh and Mike's flights are worth mentioning.  He worked out the ticket to have a night layover in Milan where his girlfriend studies.  But before Milan he flew Cleveland to Montreal, Montreal to Brussels, and Brussels to Milan.  Following his night in Milan he flew to Stockholm, then Stockholm all the way to Phuket....crazy!  After over 60 hours of travel needless to say he was beat and stayed in the first night.  We had booked the same hotel in Patong Beach, so it was another few nights in the circus.


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