What's Next?

I'm sitting in bed at 10 pm on the 1st of August. I'd typically be up for at least another hour, but I need my zz's tonight, as I have an 8 am flight to catch tomorrow. No, this isn't another inter-continental jaunt to Asia...this time I'm headed to California--to the University of California at San Diego to be exact.

In less than a week I begin my summer prep course for a Masters in International Affairs, which is a two year program. Last time I left you I was in Japan traveling after my contract finished in China. Now I'm moving across country to be a student again. In less than a month things certainly have changed!

From China to UCSD, which is a couple miles from the
beaches of La Jolla...talk about a change of scenery!

Obviously this plan didn't spontaneously pop in my head within the last few weeks. I've been planning to go to graduate school for over a year. Last summer I visited professors to ask for recommendation letters, and over the fall I crafted my applications. The process has been long, but it's finally time for me to start the next chapter in my life.

I loved traveling the world, teaching English to preschoolers, picking fruit in the Australian outback, and counseling Chinese students hoping to study in the US. I certainly wouldn't have chosen a more traditional career path for my 20s. But even during those amazing experiences I also knew that there was something else in store for me. I don't want to be an ESL teacher forever; and this is no offence to teachers--that can be a tough gig!

I've always loved seeing new places, learning more about the world around me, and cramming reams of seemingly useless information in my head. So why not go to graduate school and study International Affairs? Hopefully with a degree more windows will open to the professional world of policy work, be it within the US government, a multilateral organization like the UN, or a private company. I don't know where I'll be working in 2 years' time, but cross your fingers that I will actually have a job!

So, like I said, my flight is tomorrow morning. It's been nearly 4 weeks since I flew from Tokyo back to Ohio. I had some fun times back home, reconnecting with old friends at my 10 year high school reunion, visiting a few buddies here in Columbus, celebrating my 29th birthday, going to the Ohio State Fair, filling out my uber-complicated health forms for uni, and spending lots of time with family.

I could go into more detail, but I want to keep this short and get my sleep, so I'll leave it there (maybe I'll add a few pics later). Hopefully I can update the blog periodically during school. I'm not making any promises, but I will certainly try! Till then, you can always check out the over 200 posts in my archives or badger me for updates (yes I will call you mom and dad!).


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